The IGPX Action Reports Archive
Episode 6 Action Reports
Report #01: IGPX's First Animal Battle!
-A whimsical cat swoops down from the sky to defeat a dauntless dog.

It's been 25 years since the founding of the IGPX. Finally, we've
reached the day of the first animal navigation battle in the IGPX.

Luca the cat is riding with Team Satomi's midfielder Amy. Luca
mainly acts independently and does so often, and so he is called
whimsical. If one were to focus on Team Satomi's playbook for the
past several years, there are a number of winning moves and a
number of failures, so even their overall attack style appears to be
whimsical. It seems pretty clear that the main attribution to that
being said is solely Luca.

On the other side of things, we have Sola the dog riding with Team
Edge Raid's Bjorn (Forward). As a rule, Sola performs more
group-oriented actions that have been respected in the league and
one might say that Team Edge Raid boasts the best coordinated
plays in the IGPX, with the special trick up their sleeve being Sola.
When this dauntless dog bares her fangs, she shows no mercy.
Since Team Edge Raid has no victories this season so far, this is a
dog who will do anything to taste victory.

This is the first night game match of Team Satomi and Team Edge
Raid, who are both on their 4th race of this season. Team Satomi
took the lead immediately after the race began. But, Team Edge
Raid moved in on Team Satomi with their "dauntless dog" when
they entered the second lap. Bjorn went in between Bella
(Midfielder) and Frank (Defender) and shot some of their 'patented'
wires forward. Bjorn jumped on Liz's back literally, and used the
legs of the machine to jump right in front of her rather
spontaneously. The three pilots' next target was surrounding Amy,
and throwing her down from the front. The last target was Takeshi
(Forward) and simply continued their good attack pattern up to that
point, and then some. Everyone was halfway through the 2nd lap,
and it was looking like Team Edge Raid could pull ahead for a
complete victory over Team Satomi.

But, from there on out, the highlights of this cat's "whims" begin.
Although she was previously hit by Bjorn's spinning attack as she
broke out of the spiral, Amy jumped upwards, as if to get a better
vantage point, and started her own spinning attack similar to Bjorn's.
There was no way a dog was going to win to a cat who was rotating
in the air above it. Bjorn was considering an attack on Amy, but
Takeshi and Liz overtook Bjorn in the Revolution Tunnel (they just
stopped Bella and Frank in their tracks moments before) and
crashed Bjorn's mech, dealing some serious damage to parts of the
machinery in the process.

This is Team Satomi's 2nd complete victory of this season. In IGPX's
first animal battle, the cat was the winner.